Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My "Sensitve" Article on HubPages

It's been a long time since I've posted here. I've been busy with HubPages lately. I found the site's "HubPages Ad Program" wonderful! Before that program was activated, Hubbers (authors in HubPages) monetize their hubs through Google Adsense, eBay, Amazon, and Kontera. In my first two months of being a Hubber, I've earned $0.08 from Google Adsense. Upon seeing my very small earning, I got a bit excited. It was my first time to earn online anyway! But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, my earnings didn't seem to budge. Though I've published only a handful of hubs, I've been trying my best to write quality articles in the shortest time possible. I've put most of my concentration on HubPages. I got a little bored when nothing seemed to improve. Even my followers never seem to increase.

After I've learned about the new HubPages Ad Program, I quickly activated it. I notice that I earned a small amount everyday. But it adds up! As a newbie, I'm not yet sure how the program really works, or how to maximize my earning. I tried to experiment and to research about it. I've read that longer hubs earn more. So in my recent hub, I tried to make it longer. To my surprise, I've received a note from HubPages that my ads would be disabled for that certain hub! I realized that my topic, which was about kidnappings of girls, is quite sensitive. It's not pornographic, but I've mentioned some adult terms. I've written that after watching a news about Casey Anthony, which inspired me to write an article about kidnappings and psychopaths. It was quite disappointing. But I published it anyway, and hope that I could earn from Amazon.
In case you're wondering what that "sensitive" hub is, you can read it here: Kidnap-Not-For-Ransom Cases and the Criminals

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